Seeking 教师 to Serve on 荣誉教育专责小组


发件人:文森特·J. 德尔·卡西诺., Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs


Well, this has been an “interesting” start to 的 semester! 我留下"有趣" in quotes so that you can provide your own take on 的 term :) And, while, I am confident we haven’t seen 的 last interesting turn of events this year, I do believe we have to continue to think forward, to chew on new ideas, and challenge ourselves to imagine 什么 转换2030 实际上是指在实践中.

To that end, and as part of 菠菜网lol正规平台’s continuing commitment to create transformative educational opportunities for 的 future leaders of San José, 硅谷 and beyond, I invite faculty to join a university-wide task force to discuss honors education 在校园. This conversation is intended to attract 的 attention of our region’s BIPOC communities, where we hope to engage 的 most diverse, creative, and curious 以及该地区的自主学习者. 目标也是建立学术 programs that will  draw on 的 talents of passionate students, 的 excellence of our faculty, and 的 resources of this region to introduce a 21st century model of 跨学科教育.

Let me be clear, 的 goal of this task force is not to replace anything already going on - we may end up moving forward with multiple pathways. 但是,我相信这一点 is value in pushing past traditional notions of “honors” to ask: “什么 sorts of creative models could 菠菜网lol正规平台 develop that attract a dynamic student community to our campus to ask questions about today’s most wicked problems as well as explore our communities’ Greatest的优势和社区创新?“在某些方面,我很想看到 us develop a conversation about an (un)honors College - something that pushes past historical conversations about honors education and toward a dialogue about how we create radical, new learning spaces responsive to and inspired by 的 complex and intersectional diversity of our local communities and our students. 也许我们 end up with doesn’t have 的 word “honors” in it at all. 或者我们可以想象“荣誉” to mean ‘honoring’ our unique place situated at 的 crossroads of so many important 社区的线索. 但是,我们必须从某个地方开始.

If you are going to put your name forward, you are encouraged to think imaginatively 甚至是激进地反对这次冒险. 成立了一个新的跨学科项目 no pre-set curriculum boundaries - or high GPA cutoffs, for example - could offer self-driven student leaders 的 latitude to work closely with faculty and 的 region’s 解决现实问题的领导者. 它为教师提供了教学的机会 multidisciplinary perspectives and guide motivated and ambitious students. 它提供了 local leaders an opening to mentor 的 brightest go-getters. 它履行了菠菜网lol正规平台的使命 to serve a central role in 的 future of 硅谷 by training future scholars, 社区领袖和企业家.

我很兴奋,博士. Ruma Chopra, professor of history, and recipient of 的 ACE研究员,同意担任特别小组主席. 鲁马的教学经验 and scholarship, as well as her industry experience (she has worked for high-tech 创业公司等.)吸引她参加这个充满活力的冒险.

教师 interested in being considered to be part of 的 task force should fill out 的 谷歌的形式. 提名截止日期为 10月9日星期五. I encourage faculty from any sector of campus to apply. 别担心,我们会的 be bringing staff and student voices to this task force as well. 更多信息.
