Demythifying Cyber Security


Current Cyber Security approaches are fundamentally broken. Vulnerabilities in current implementations are virtually limitless, and threats are exploiting these vulnerabilities faster than we can detect and counter them. This talk presents a qualitative survey of the current state of affairs in cyber security. We show how current cyber security implementations compound the problem by creating the illusion of security. 结果 is a primitive cyber society in which trust and confidence are absent or, worse yet, 具有欺骗性的. This examination of cyber security is intended as a reality check with the hope of provoking the thoughtful discussion about solutions that address the core 问题. We will examine this situation and present several approaches that attempt to develop a basis from which we can foster transformation in digital security.


Dr. Kroeger currently does systems and security research for Sandia National Labs 在加州利弗莫尔. Prior to Sandia he spent a decade working in 硅谷 with startups in network security and healthcare (Network Alchemy and Validus Medical Systems). He holds a doctorate in Computer 工程 from UC Santa Cruz, where he worked with Professor Darrell Long to develop pattern modeling techniques for file systems. 他的 current interests include IDS, network security, malware, large scale virtualization 存储系统.


September 10, 2019 @ 1:30PM in MH 225