Leveraging Data in Motion in a Cloud-first World


Apache Kafka has emerged to be the de-facto standard for data streaming 平台 in enterprise architectures. This new 平台 offers the opportunity for businesses to leverage their data in real time to deliver better user experience or other business 值. More than 80% of the Fortune 100 are building their applications on this new 平台. In this talk, I will first share the story behind Kafka: how it was invented and what problem it was trying to solve. Then, I will share the story on how we created a commercial company Confluent based on this technology and our journey of transitioning 到云端.


Jun Rao is a co-founder of Confluent, a company that provides a data streaming 平台 基于Apache Kafka. Before Confluent, Jun Rao was a senior staff engineer at LinkedIn where he led the development of Kafka. Before LinkedIn, Jun Rao was a researcher at IBM's Almaden research center, where he conducted research on database and distributed 系统. Jun Rao is the PMC chair of Apache Kafka and a committer of Apache Cassandra. He is the co-author of more than 20 referenced research papers, and the co-inventor of more than a dozen U.S. 软件专利.


April 4, 2023 @ 1:30PM in MH 225