2024年4月 新拨款及合约

We are pleased to share the success of 菠菜网lol正规平台's principal investigators who were awarded grants and contracts during 2024年4月:

15 奖 Received: Valued at $2,529,591.

Note: Some industry-sponsored awards are not listed due to their respective non-disclosure 条款.

Lucas College and Graduate School of 业务

阿苏, 管理学院
硅谷 Center for Entrepreneurship - Encore Fellow
赞助商: 联邦资本集团——2.5万美元.

研究部 & 创新

Queale,艾比, 研究部 & 创新
The Spartan SBDC - Year 3 - Federal
赞助商: Humboldt State University – $200,000.

康妮L. 卢里教育学院

爱,马太福音, 特殊教育
赞助商: Santa Clara County Office of 教育 – $363,443.

查尔斯W. Davidson College of 工程

Kumar, Anil R., 工业 & 系统工程
赞助商: 机密:41351美元.

罗纳德·麦, 计算机工程
赞助商: 机密:111,097美元.

Papadopoulos, Periklis / Chierichetti, Maria, 航空航天工程
赞助商: Axient LLC——4万美元.

College of 健康与人文科学

加西亚,蒙特苏马 社会工作
Project COMPA (Comunidades Ofreciendo Más Prevenci一个s Agradables) 
赞助商: Regents of The University of California – $336,999.


加德纳,路加福音, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Western Regional Aquaculture Center-33rd Annual Work Plan FY 22
赞助商: University of Washington – $78,838.

哈维,詹姆斯, Moss Landing海洋实验室
Estuarine Wetland and Nearshore Ecology Studies along the Pacific Flyway
赞助商: U.S. Geological Survey – $24,000.

凡·温加登,安娜丽丝·L., 化学
Nuclear 化学 Summer School (NCSS)
赞助商: City University of New York – $256,577.

王、Ningkun 化学
Elucidating the Mechanism for Allosteric Regulation of SIRT1 through the N-Terminal 地区6
赞助商: National Institutes of Health – $146,500.

威尔金,凯特, 生物科学
菠菜网lol正规平台 Prescribed Fire Monitoring and Research Program in the South Bay and Central 海岸
赞助商: California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection | CAL FIRE – $80,000.


肖恩·拉威., 心理学
Human Systems Integration: Collaborative Human Factors Research to Improve 安全, Efficiency, and Reliability of NASA's Aeronautics and Space Missions Phase 2
赞助商: NASA - 710,033美元.

苏珊·斯奈德斯基. / Padthe, Ashwani
赞助商: The Johns Hopkins University– $28,753.

Future Vertical Lift: Collaborative Research on 飞行控制,
Autonomous Rotorcraft, and Human-Systems Interface Design: Phase 2
赞助商: NASA: 87,000美元.