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Headshot of Maria Bremer

Maria Bremer

Q&A with Maria Bremer

Headshot of Alexandra Bogdan

Alexandra Bogdan

Q&A with Alexandra Bogdan

Headshot of Andrea Pyka

Andrea Pyka

Q&A with Andrea Pyka

Headshot of Shaun J Fletcher

Shaun J. Fletcher

Q&A with Shaun J. Fletcher

Headshot of Vanessa Garcia

Vanessa Garcia

Q&A with Vanessa Garcia

Headshot of René Shimada Siegel

René Shimada Siegel

Q&A with René Shimada Siegel

JMC Alumni Survey

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Alumni Survey

Alumni News

Marcio Sanchez with his camera.
 Photo courtesy of Marcio Sanchez.

JMC Alumnus Marcio Sanchez Awarded 2021 Pulitzer Prize

June 23, 2021

This year, '07 Photojournalism graduate and former Spartan Daily contributor Marcio Sanchez was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for Breaking News Photography. He received the award for his remarkable coverage of Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Portland, Oregon in July 2020.