Key and Building Card Access Requests


  1. 教师 or staff member must fill out the Key and Building Card Access Request Form [pdf] and return it to the department Resource Analyst via email. Students are not allowed 请求密钥.
    • For Section 2 on the Key & Building Card Access Form, select ‘New Key’ unless you are requesting a key to any part of the Health Building. For Health Building access you need to select “Modify Card Access” as the Request Type. Access in the Health Building uses your ID card as an access key instead of traditional keys.
  2. The Resource Analyst will forward the application to the Dean’s office and CC the requester in the email. The Dean’s office will forward the signed form to Facilities.
  3. When Facilities has completed your request, they will send you an email informing you that your keys or access is ready.

Frequently Asked Questions