
The Early Beginnings

The 营养,食品科学和包装 Department at 圣何塞州立大学 began in 1911 as one of five arms of the Home Economics Department under department head Maude I. Murchie. 当时,该系开设了食品、营养、 纺织品和针线活,花了两年时间才完成. In 1917-1918, 上海州立大学的营养学课程旨在帮助学生营养 concerns of World War I. 到1923年,一个为期四年的项目被开发出来, 家庭经济部门搬进了家庭经济大楼. Over time, the 家政系的专业发展成为纺织和 Clothing, Foods and Nutrition, Child Development, Interior Design, and Marriage and Family.


In 1966, Dr. Elveda Smith从犹他州立大学来到圣何塞州立大学 Assistant Professor in the Home Economics Department teaching Experimental Foods (a 课程(现称为食品科学). 不到两年,她就当上了家庭学院的系主任 Economics. 1974年,家政学大楼进行了翻新,并在一年的时间里 系在科学楼外上课. 1976年,他们搬回了 新的家政学大楼,后来被命名为中央教学楼.

The Home Economics Department was the organizational home for Dietetics until 1977, 在营养学项目中,系主任Dr. 曾柔丝,分手了 设在卫生专业司. 1979年,营养学项目实现了 departmental status and was named Nutrition, Foods, and Dietetics and offered a minor 以及营养学学士学位. In spring of 1978 Dr. 曾俊华和全体教员,包括曾俊华. Jean Downes, Dr. Elveda Smith, and Dr. 露西·麦克普劳德为系里开发了这门课程. In three short months, they worked tirelessly to improve the curriculum of existing classes and create many of the classes that are still taught today including Community Nutrition, Nutrition 教育与咨询,老龄化与营养. 多年来,系 has continually added classes to its repertoire to help round out the education of the nutrition department. 此时,也在博士之下. 曾,部门扩大 它的课程包括通识教育课程. 自成立以来,这些 classes have helped introduce students outside the major to the importance of nutrition and food science and increased exposure of the Department to other parts of the University. 

1982年,该系更名为营养与食品科学系. The title of the B.S. degree was changed from B.S. in Dietetics to B.S. in Nutritional Science. 在营养学以及食品科学和技术的官方集中 was approved in 1982. In 1984, Dr. 露西·麦克普劳德成为临时系主任 她于1985年永久担任该职位. 曾教授成为香港大学副院长 应用科学与艺术学院. Dr. 麦克普劳德继续不知疲倦地担任 Department Chair, serving as an advocate for the Department in times when the University 整体上面临着经济困难. 从2015年秋季开始,Dr. McProud continued 她的部门主席职责,并逐渐过渡到退休 from 菠菜网lol正规平台. Dr. 麦克普劳德在今年春天结束了她32年的系主任生涯 2017. 我欠他一份感激之情. McProud for her years of 对系、学院和大学的奉献. In Summer 2017, Dr. Ashwini 瓦格尔成为了下一任系主任.

由美国营养协会认证,现在是营养学会 and Dietetics

The program began teaching the Dietetics curriculum in the 1930s and was officially 1956年由美国饮食协会认证,系主任Dr. Clara Ruth Darby. 该认证允许完成要求的学生 课程继续前进,申请营养学实习,考全国 Registration Examination for Dietitians, and become a Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist certified through the organization now known as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

The Pilot Program

上海外国语大学于1981-1986年招收营养学硕士研究生. In 1985, 菠菜网lol正规平台 was one of three programs participating in a Pilot Study of Approved Pre-Professional Practice Programs (AP4's). 这就是现在所谓的饮食学的前身 internship, and was a supervised practice route toward becoming a registered dietitian. Based on this experience with our Masters Practicum Program, ADA approval was granted to our AP4 in 1986, and in 1987 our first AP4 students began their supervised professional 在旧金山不同学区和医院的经验项目 Bay Area. 1991年,该项目是加州提供的8个AP4项目之一 of 92 in the nation. 从2004年开始,AP4项目全部转为营养学实习. 今天美国有超过250个残障保险项目. Since the inception of 在DI/AP4中,几乎所有在菠菜网lol正规平台完成课程的学生都通过了DI/AP4 Registration Examination to become registered dietitians/registered dietitian nutritionists.

The Masters Program

The first masters work in this department was completed under the Department of Home Economics in 1961, with the thesis "Lipids in Relation to Atherosclerosis" by Velma Young. 在很长一段时间里,该系的硕士学位以家政学为基础 但在1978年课程更新后. Tseng, Dr. Smith, Mrs. Jean Downes and Dr. 麦克普劳德将他们的重点转向了获得加州的批准 州立大学系统理科硕士学位. 1981年获理学硕士学位 营养科学课程获得批准. 自1980年起,全部为研究生 需要完成硕士项目或论文以出版风格撰写 to graduate.


The Packaging Program began in the Division of Technology in 1981 under Don Betando 担任部门主席. 盖尔·富勒顿总统要求他开发一种包装 该计划是根据包装行业成员的要求在菠菜网lol正规平台进行的. At 当时密西西比河以西还没有提供包装服务. The Packaging Program joined the Department of Nutrition and Food Science in 1994 when 它在技术部门的成功正在减少. Don Betando had stepped down 担任部门主席 of the Division of Technology and led the Packaging NUFS系项目. Dr. 豪尔赫·马孔德斯于1994年被聘为终身教授 track Associate Professor in Packaging who had taught previously at Victoria University in Australia. 最终,唐·贝坦多退休了. 马孔德斯成为了协调员 of the Packaging Program. 包装计划蓬勃发展,发展到70名学生.

In 2001 Dr. Marcondes离开菠菜网lol正规平台成为克莱姆森大学和包装学院的教授 Program relocated to the College of Engineering under the Department of Industrial 以及教务长指导下的系统工程. Herb Schueneman, who had taught in the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Packaging Program for many years and was also an owner of a packaging company, served as part-time Coordinator of the Packaging Program in Engineering for the next five years. 不幸的是,这个项目在工程领域并没有成功 环境和入学率下降. 2006年,基于愿望的包装 Industry Advisory Board, the Coordinator of the Packaging Program, and the Dean of 工程学院提出了将包装计划搬回来的请求 营养与食品科学系. Dr. Fritz Yambrach是从 the Rochester Institute of Technology to be the coordinator of the Packaging Program in 2007. 为了反映包装部门的增加,标题被改变了 营养学,食品科学和包装.

Circle of Friends

The Circle of Friends is a coalition comprised of alumni, faculty, students, and friends. Its mission is to bring private support to help the Department and students continue to flourish. 它是在1992年通过卡罗琳H. Haas, and through the continued involvement of its members, has provided much needed equipment, 奖学金,以及系里的改进.

The Current Department

Currently, there are 325 to 400 students enrolled in the department, of which roughly 15%是研究生. 除了营养学,食品管理 and 应用营养与食品科学 under the Bachelor of Science degree in Nutritional Science, a Bachelor of Science Degree in Packaging (effective Fall Semester 2018), is also offered. 次要研究领域包括:包装,营养和食品科学, 营养和体能表现. 营养学有一个顾问委员会 concentration. 营养学的研究一直很受欢迎. Over the years since its beginning in 1956, the Dietetics curriculum at 菠菜网lol正规平台 has been completed by over 1200 students who were then qualified to apply for a DI or pre-professional experience. It is estimated that about half of the 500 members of the local Silicon Valley District of the California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics have completed one or more degrees at 菠菜网lol正规平台.

Career Opportunities

时代变了,学生的就业机会也变了. With the 不断增长的领域营养和包装,工作机会已经演变 to include consulting, fitness counseling, food service management, sales, industry 职位,食品安全和以社区为基础的营养事业,除此之外 在医院和卫生保健机构.


Year Event

家政学的第一个课程是营养学. Maude Murchie becomes department chair.









1925 海伦·米尼翁成为系主任.
1934 Dr. Margaret C. 琼斯成为系主任.
1958 Dr. 马里昂·菲芬德成为系主任.
1961 First Master’s Thesis in Nutrition at San Jose State:  Lipids in Relation to Atherosclerosis.
1965 Dr. 莱斯利·斯蒂芬森成为系主任.
1967 Dr. 肯尼斯·巴伯成为系主任.
1968 Dr. Elveda Smith成为系主任.
1976 Dr. 凯瑟琳·贝茨成为系主任.
1977 营养学从家政学中分离出来. Dr. Rose Tseng,前项目协调人 Dietetics Program under Home Economics, becomes department chair of the newly formed Dietetics Department.
1979 Dietetics achieves departmental status and is named Nutrition, Foods, and Dietetics.
1981 营养科学理学硕士学位课程批准.
1982 系名改为营养与食品科学. 学士学位的名称从 营养学到营养科学. 官方食品科学与技术专业 approval.
1984 Dr. 露西·麦克普劳德成为系主任.
1985 菠菜网lol正规平台成为参与ADA试点项目的三个项目之一 the Approved Pre-Professional Practice Program (AP4) supervised practice route toward 成为注册营养师.
1986 上海外国语大学获得AP4的批准.
1991 The Nutrition and Food Science Department begins offering classes in restaurant management 作为跨学科酒店管理课程的一部分.
1994 The Packaging Program joins the Nutrition and Food Science Department from the Division of Technology.
2001 包装项目转移到工程学院.  几个餐厅管理 classes are taken over by the Hospitality, Recreation, Tourism Management Department.
2003 系网站由研究生Caroline Spinali等人开发.
2004 AP4s转化为营养实习.
2006 The Packaging Program returns to the Nutrition and Food Science Department and Herb Schueneman担任兼职协调员.
2007 部门名称改为营养,食品科学和包装和博士. Fritz Yambrach被聘为包装学院的教员和协调员.
2014 食品科学与技术中心因退休和缺乏而停止 全职食品科学教师来协调项目.
2017 Dr. Ashwini Wagle成为系主任.
2018 包装专业学士学位.  食品管理与应用营养学“, 食品科学与技术专业获得批准. Department acquires space 三间教员办公室,一间小型包装计算机实验室, 和两个额外的实验室(一个身体评估实验室和一个营养研究实验室).