

Students in the child and adoloscent department have access to a wide variety of helpful resources both on campus and off. Be sure to take the time to explore these sites. They have been selected to provide you with a range of helpful information.


  • 学术顾问 - ChAD offers excellent advisement to current ChAD students and those who are interested 加入我们的项目. This advising is designed to help students develop and follow a plan for completing their course requirements.

  • Subject Matter Competency (SMC) - Learn about the departmental procedures to verify Subject Matter Competency and resources provided by the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Credential Services office.

  • 乍得的职业 - There are several resources at 菠菜网lol正规平台 to help you explore career options related to child and adolescent development.
  • 乍得俱乐部 - In the Department of Child & 青少年发展, there is a student-run club open to any interested students, alumni, and faculty.

  • 常见问题 - Get answers to many of the questions that our current students have.

  • 服务学习 - In collaboration with our community partners, students gain hands on experience working with children, youth and families as well as with the organizations that serve them.

  • ChAD求职板- Students can view a list of jobs around the Bay Area submitted by community members, 教员、组织等. 
  • Student Research Opportunities - Your participation in research is incredibly valuable in contributing new knowledge about child and adolescent development and informing the work of professionals who work with children, adolescents and families. 

卢里教育学院 资源

  • 经济援助机会 - 访问 this page to learn about the numerous scholarship and grant opportunities available through the college. The application process for scholarships takes place 每年春季学期.
  • 学生成功中心 - Utilize this space in Sweeney Hall 106 to meet with academic advisors, get writing support, attend workshops, and more.

  • Study and Collaboration Room - Utilize this space in Sweeney Hall 446 to study, relax, and access a computer, printer, copy machine, and technical assistance.

  • Graduation and Commencement - Learn more about how to apply for candidacy and graduation and learn more about our upcoming commencement ceremony.
  • 校友资源 - After you've completed your program, take advantage of the many opportunities to connect with 一个 another, stay connected with the college, and actively participate in the continued growth of the college.

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