Graduation FAQs

本页将讨论有关的常见问题和讨论主题 graduation process.  For diploma related topics, visit the Diploma Information page.

Application Status

注册主任办公室处理完你的申请后,你会看到一份 status update in My菠菜网lol正规平台. We will also send you a confirmation email.

Confirmation Email

你的毕业评估官会在审核完你的毕业申请后给你发一封确认邮件 application. 这封电子邮件将提供一个未完成的需求列表为基础 on your MyProgress report. 你可能需要检查你的垃圾邮件和垃圾邮件文件夹 to locate this email. 另外请注意,你可能要到2-3个月才会收到这封邮件 after you apply for graduation. 

Changes to Your Major Requirements

如果你有改变你的专业要求,联系你的主要顾问或部门 to update your MyProgress report. 

Dropping a Minor

如果你想放弃一个未成年人,下载并完成 Drop Minor form [pdf]. Send the completed form directly to your graduation evaluator. 如果你不正式放弃这门辅修课程,你就会被要求放弃. Similarly, 如果你目前有一个双学位,并希望放弃一个专业,使用 Drop Major form [pdf].

Transfer Credit

如果你已经或正在其他机构学习课程,请提交 正式成绩单,当这些最终成绩可用. 菠菜网lol正规平台 will accept official electronic transcripts at Inform your evaluator after you send your transcripts. 请注意,您不能转让超过70个单位 from community colleges.

Hold Letters

在你的毕业学期结束时,如果你没有完成学业,你可能会收到延期通知 all degree requirements. 这封信将列出未完成的项目并提供说明 for how to resolve the issues.

Common items in the hold letter include: 

  • 优秀的GE,主修,辅修,或单位要求
  • Outstanding Study Abroad coursework
  • 未完成(I)或报告延迟(RD)成绩
  • 文件必须提交给评估人员的截止日期

如果你刚刚完成最后一个学期的学习,请按照等待信上的说明去做 and contact your graduation evaluator if you have questions.

如果你上次上课是在一个学期之前,请访问你的 college success center for guidance.  They can provide a copy of the hold letter. You will also need to submit a graduation date change plus any additional forms as requested by your evaluator

Latin Honors

为了获得拉丁荣誉,你需要同时具备菠菜网lol正规平台的累积GPA和所有学院的GPA must meet the minimum requirements.  Your department may have additional honors for your major. 如果您符合资格,我们将自动将相应的荣誉应用于 both your diploma and transcript. If you have questions about medallions, contact the Commencement Team.

Honor GPA
Summa Cum Laude 3.85 - 4.00
Magna Cum Laude 3.70 - 3.84
Cum Laude 3.50 - 3.69

Awarding Degrees

注册主任办公室通常会在申请完成后一个月左右颁发学位 end of the semester.

  • Fall candidates - end of January
  • Spring candidates - middle of June
  • Summer candidates - end of August

在我们授予你的学位后,你的记录被封存,我们不能做任何更改. 这包括成绩的变化和专业或辅修课程的更新.

Degree Verification

当你在My菠菜网lol正规平台上看到你的学位后,你可以申请 degree verification letter 当你在等待你的文凭寄到的时候. Note that your official transcript will show your conferred degree.

Commencement Information

Unit Requirements

Graduation Term

MyProgress Report

Course Substitutions

Other Topics

Additional Resources