学者焦点:Jose Ignacio de Alvear Cardenas

Jose Ignacio de Alvear Cardenas is a visiting scholar from Delft University of Technology 是航空航天工程硕士研究生. 下面阅读更多关于何塞的信息!

By: 莉娜·梅多斯——2023年10月11日

Jose Ignacio de Alvear Cardenas你在上海州立大学哪个系/学院工作?


你在上海州立大学的角色是什么? 你希望在这段时间里完成什么?


I would like to contribute to a project of national or worldwide impact in the 场s of aircraft operations, robotics and/or AI with the ambition of positively impacting millions within years reach, while being supervised by world-class experts in the 场.

Fortunately, I am working f或菠菜网lol正规平台RF at NASA Ames as part of the Airspace Operations Lab, and our work is focused on the integration of new vehicles in the current airspace, such as dr一个s, Urban Air Mobility or air taxis, balloons and High Altitude Long Endurance (黑尔斯)车辆.

就我而言,我主要关注的是无人机. 如今,我们……的主要原因之一是 do not see dr一个s flying in urban areas is that they are constrained to the visual 飞行员的视线范围. 所以,在我在这里的时间里,我很高兴能在 a project in collaboration with the FAA and industry that will help realize scalable Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) dr一个 operations such that vehicles can be piloted 从远处或自主飞行. 这将使新服务的引入成为可能 以及未来几年全国范围内的车型.


Jose Ignacio de Alvear Cardenas在学术和专业领域之外,我在美国的时间.S. 让我 探索世界上最令人惊叹的自然景观. 从水晶般清澈 waters of Lake Tahoe to the breathtaking vistas of Yosemite National Park, I’ve been 有幸目睹了大自然的威严. 在太浩湖,我也用我的 hiking boots for skis and embraced the thrill of downhill skiing amidst the picturesque 雪山. 斯廷森海滩提供了风景秀丽的徒步小径,让人耳目一新 跳入清凉的水中. 在圣克鲁斯,我爱上了加州冲浪 文化和捕捉海浪在太平洋. 这些非凡的目的地不仅 给了我片刻的宁静,也充实了我在美国的时光.S. 与激动人心的 户外探险和难忘的回忆.

此外,我在美国的时间.S. 对扩大我的职业网络有帮助吗. 的 Bay Area, known for its innovation and entrepreneurship, has provided abundant 建立人际关系网的机会. 我有幸参加了多个社交活动 events organized by incubators, start-ups, and embassies, where I could connect with like-minded individuals, explore potential collaborations and learn about branches 这些知识与我的专业领域相去甚远. 此外,我是 honored to be invited as a panelist at an event hosted by the Spanish Chamber of Commerce, where I had the unique opportunity to share my expertise in AI and its societal impacts.

Jose Ignacio de Alvear CardenasWe delved not only into the future potential of AI and its associated risks but also 探索了做人的本质.

Finally, 一个 of the things I have enjoyed the most is to learn about the diverse American 文化. 加州地区,尤其是旧金山湾区,是一个大熔炉 文化,传统和美食,提供丰富的经验挂毯. 的 hospitality of the American people has been a constant throughout my journey, making 我感到宾至如归. 尽管远离我的家人,真正的善良 与陌生人相处给我留下了深刻的印象,使我在美国度过的时光变得更加美好.S. 不仅仅是职业上的 在个人层面上,这是一种回报,但也令人难以置信的丰富.

What is something you want others to know about your hometown, home country, or 文化?

西班牙是一个因多样性而繁荣的国家. 从我们品尝的食物到风景 we explore, there’s an astonishing array of experiences awaiting any一个 who visits 或者了解我的祖国. 关于西班牙,我想让其他人了解的一件事是 that there are not two places in the country that are exactly the same, making it 一个真正独特而迷人的目的地.

说到西班牙美食,其多样性令人震惊. 每个地区都有 its own culinary traditions and specialties, resulting in a food lover’s paradise. From the iconic paella of Valencia to the hearty stews of Castilla y León, and the fresh seafood of Galicia, you can embark on a gastronomic journey that will leave 敬畏的你. 西班牙各地的小吃各不相同,展现了当地的风味 和成分.

Spain is not a monolithic 文化; each region has its own language or dialect, traditions, 独特的文化习俗. 从北方古老的巴斯克传统到 the lively flamenco traditions of Andalusia in the South, Spain is a patchwork of 丰富的地域特征.

If you’re a nature enthusiast, Spain offers an astonishing range of landscapes. In the North, you’ll find lush, green hills and dramatic coastlines along the Cantabrian Sea, while the South boasts the arid beauty of Andalusia’s deserts and the pristine 地中海海滩. 西班牙还有白雪皑皑的比利牛斯山脉 and Sierra Nevada mountains, as well as the volcanic landscapes of the Canary Islands. 的 country’s diverse geography leads to an equally diverse climate, from the sunny beaches of the Costa del Sol to the snowy slopes of the Sierra de Guadarrama near 马德里.

In summary, similar to the US, Spain is a land of diversity, where culinary delights, regional customs, and natural wonders come together to create an enchanting mosaic. So, when you think of Spain, think of a place where there are not two spots alike, 那里的每个角落都有新的冒险等待你去发现.

关于在美国的生活,你希望早点知道什么.S. 或菠菜网lol正规平台?

Firstly, the American way of life often revolves around personal vehicles, which came as a surprise after living in the Netherlands for seven years, where public transportation 自行车更普遍. 在美国.S.汽车是日常生活中必不可少的, 从杂货店购物到获得医疗保健服务. 此外,有一辆车 要想充分体验美澳令人叹为观止的自然景观是至关重要的.S. 提供, as many of these locations are not easily reachable without personal transportation. If you don’t already have a driver’s license, obtaining 一个 can significantly enhance 您在美国逗留期间的流动性和整体生活质量.S. 就我而言, 我现在正在获得我的.

第二,美国.S. 签证程序是一项复杂而耗时的工作,而且 essential to be well-informed about the requirements and potential challenges that 在你逗留之前和逗留期间会发生什么. 掌握这个话题是很重要的 to work closely with your sponsoring institution, seeking expert guidance from immigration 专业人士在需要时.


Studying or working abroad is an incredible journey of growth, learning, and exploration 这将在你的生活和事业上留下不可磨灭的印记. 对于我们这些渴望的人 to explore the world, with luck our lives span as little as 100 years, so seize every opportunity you have to burst the bubble you live in, get out of your comfort z一个 and discover how other parts of the world think and what makes them tick; their goals 和梦想.

Given the extremely polarized world we are witnessing, it’s now more crucial than 弥合差距,建立联系,培养全球视野. 通过浸泡 yourself in different 文化s, you not only expand your horizons but also become 积极变化的催化剂. 你成为国家之间的桥梁,一个统一的人 思想和理解的捍卫者. 让好奇心成为你的指南针,让好奇心成为你的指南针 world be your classroom; the world is waiting for you to make your mark!
