BA - 社会科学 Teacher Preparation

SSTP classmates standing together in a group

Do you want to change your world?

Consider a career as a social science teacher!

Majoring in 社会科学 Teacher Preparation (SSTP) will equip you with the skills you need to be a transformative educator committed to social justice. Secondary social science teachers typically teach courses in United States history, world history, economics, government, geography, or ethnic studies. This undergraduate 程序 offers courses across these social science disciplines. Students who major in SSTP gain the breadth of knowledge they need to be prepared to enter a credential 程序 to pursue further teacher education. SSTP majors also learn the pedagogical skills to create a culturally sustaining and humanizing learning environment that will ignite a love of learning in their students.

The SSTP 程序 is a California Commission on Teacher Preparation (CCTC) approved 程序. SSTP majors, therefore, earn a waiver from taking the 社会科学 CSET.

SSTP students sitting in a circle discussing a project

Why study history? What is the purpose of social science education?

History provides us with an opportunity to see ourselves as part of a larger community and as part of the longer continuum of human existence. It can serve as a mirror allowing us to better understand ourselves. It can also serve as a window, allowing us to see the experiences of other people. It can help us develop empathy for people who came before us and for people that we live side by side with in the present day. 我们的目标 of social science education is to help us to connect our past to our present and to help us better understand our world so that we can live more fulfilling lives and create a better future for the people who will follow after us. 


Schedule an appointment to meet with Dr. Rouse for major advising: 温迪


SSTP Major Requirements [pdf]


社会科学 Teacher Preparation 建议

办公室:DMH 239

Spring 2023 Office Hours: Online by appointment